Joanna and Pheobe got along soooooooo well! It was lovely to see. Pheobe introduced Joanna to all their animals. They have a cockatoo and a bunny rabbit and of course Joanna's least favourite animal a DOG. So Jordyn was elated to play with this gorgeous terrior type dog named Matilda (named after famous Australian folksong -Waltzing Matlida). As we were staying in Matildas home we try really hard to encourage Joanna and myself for that matter to not be scared and be respectful of the animals as we are the guests. For all of Sunday night when we had the Aussie reunion poor Andrea or the children had to put Matilda outside. However on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday Joanna was trying really hard to walk with Matilda and also pat and play with her. I was really proud of her. Matilda was such an easy going dog and very soft natured that she would rarely jump or play and she walked so slow it was adorable. Joanna surprised herself I think and really began to love this dog and kept saying she wasn't scared anymore! Amazing considering a month prior to this she jumped up into my arms on the beach when we saw a pup.
As we travelled around and around she was happy to ask if people had a dog in their home and if so she was like goodie! (usually she wont even go inside some peoples homes) In St George when we stayed with one family they even had a fierce looking bull dog (who was actually very tame but still scary to me) that Joanna patted. All along our holiday she was saying she was totally not scared - I was amazed but I knew the test would be when we came home to Adelaide to visit her best friend Emily and play with their dog Ned. Joanna said she would be when the time came to go around to visit we were all a little anxious as he is not small....But to my amazement Joanna did so well. He came up a little excited and we thought she was being cautious and she talked and patted him ... it was a miracle. I am so proud of her that I have to try to overcome this fear myself. It has been easy with Ned but other dogs still scare me especially dogs without owners....but that's another story, this is all about Joanna!
Joanna and Ned - July 2013 |