As previously mentioned we were Amazed with New York City. On our first trip in we all visited Time Square and just soaked in the atmosphere. Michael saw the MnM Megastore so of course we had to go for a visit! It was 3 storeys full of MnM goodness! We loved the elevator doors painted as red or yellow MnM Also loads of people there so it was easy to get caught up in all the excitement and buy anything we saw but luckily Dad was with us and helped talk kids through what they wanted to spend their money on. We spent nearly 2 hours just in this store. So after lunch we split into two groups...those who wanted to shop/browse with mum and those who wanted to go to Yankee Stadium with Dad.
Raechel, Jordyn, Matthew and I went shopping!!! I couldnt believe Matthew came with us so we started with the Lego store first to give him something to do if bored later. It was absolutely packed with people so it was difficult to view the great Lego displays properly BUT overall it was fabulous and we were able to buy a few things. Then Raechel and I were able to do some clothes shopping whilst Jordy had a little look here and there. The girls loved Forever 21 and H&M and I loved the Macys and Guess store. It was just fun walking up and down and around and around and to finish off the afternoon shopping I visited Tiffany's....I dont think my mouth closed the whole time. (I didnt buy anything but gave Raechel a few ideas to let Dad know about for Mothers Day) - And yes the others had a great time at baseball as well.
Then after dinner the children and I lined up to go up the Empire State Building. The lines were no where as long as 15 years ago when Jason and I went and when we got to the top I realised why...very windy and cold. However it was still amazing to look all around and we were lucky enough to be there for sunset so that was beautiful. It was also surreal looking down Manhattan to see where the Twin Towers used to be and of course are no longer. Made me reflect on how blessed I truly am! So after we came down we met up with Dad who had found a place to fix Jordyn's ipod screen for $20...Bargain! We all knew we had to catch train back which by the time we walked there and home it would be about another hour which would be very late....I wasnt really looking forward to it. Then at that exact moment I had that thought a Limo driver asked us if we wanted quick ride around city for $50. We dismissed it straight away. However children really wanted a go. Then Michael suggested he would pay. Very generous. Jason then asked how much to New Jersey...$100. No way....and we walked off then driver suggested $80 and we said YES. We were all sooooo excited. We got this great ride around the city and down Times Square in a LIMO and then a lift back to the RV. We had so much fun with music and neon lights in the car! It was one of the best parts of the whole trip!
Sunday was abit of a slow day and unfortunately it was actually really hard to get to any wards for church but we also wanted to do Wicked lottery so we got on train into town again and waited with no luck and then spent afternoon in Central Park. It was beautiful and loads to do for children including watching a puppeter doing 1/2 hour shows for children. When we got back to RV we realised that the temple was about 3 blocks from Central Park so we were kicking ourselves we didnt go visit!