Driving in on May 15th seem quite surreal that we were actually there. Just driving around and seeing old buildings that belonged to the early saints in 1840's was just amazing. We went to the Nauvoo visitors center and saw some missionaries practicing for the upcoming summer festival program and of course one was an Aussie who knew Matthew Ellis. Small World.
We took a horse and cart ride around the town and some of the historical sites and who lived where and places Joseph Smith and his family lived as well as Brigham Young. The children were also able to participate in interactive tourist attractions that involved doing activities like children did in the 1840's. We were able to visit where the red bricks would have been made and got our own Nauvoo brick to keep, visit the blacksmith and see how rings were made from old nails and also participate in weaving blankets and taste taffy.
Later in the afternoon Jason and I paid the Community of Christ entry fee into visiting some more of the Smith's properties such as their family homestead and the Mansion Home and the Family Cemetery. I really felt the spirit as I walked through the cemetery and believed everything the tour guide was saying actually happened. At the end we went through the Red Brick Store where the first Relief Society meeting was held and spent some time sitting and pondering what that actually means. The largest women's organisation on the earth today that helps so many people!
Later that night we visited Nauvoo Hall to view a musical performed by senior missionaries called Rendevous - A funny look at the history of Old Nauvoo. We enjoyed alot more than we thought we would.
Highlights for me from Nauvoo was of course the beautiful temple!!! It was so lovely to look at during the day and night. Of course it is a very new version but model after the original. I think my only regret of the whole trip was not making time to go inside this temple. We thought we should be pushing on in case we didn't have time to make the drive home. But as it was we most definitely could have stayed one more day. I really also loved the statues of Joseph and his brother Hyrum on their horses out the front of the temple viewing the whole expanse of Nauvoo.
I really enjoyed my morning walk the next day from the temple down to the river - Mississippi and to take in the view that the saints would have had before leaving this beautiful place! Along this walk are plaques with statements from many pioneers from various companies that wrote their feelings and testimonies about the trip they were to embark upon. Such raw and honest feelings helped me to have more gratitude and compassion for those who have laid the foundation for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that I love so much. I really liked the statue of Brigham Young and Joseph Smith down by the river as they seemed to be discussing the pioneer trek ahead.
I also loved Nauvoo as I had the opportunity to drive the big RV for about 5 minutes....that was enough!!! How Jason did it on the freeways will ever befuddle me.
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